All participants will receive a diplomino in memory of participation.
A first jury will select the 1300 most popular designs that will be assigned a special certificate and will expose them on display at the Seminary of Arenzano from 25 December 2024 to 2 February in 2025.
Further qualified jury will select, among the 1300 designs selected the winners of the prizes provided as follows:
For all sections:
1. Overall Prize
2. Overall Prize
3. Overall Prize
Primary school
1. Prize
2. Prize
3. Prize
Primary School
Originality Technical Lead Spontaneity Religiosity Actuality
1. Prize 1. Prize 1. Prize 1. Prize 1. Prize
2. Prize 2. Prize 2. Prize 2. Prize 2. Prize
3. Prize 3. Prize 3. Prize 3. Prize 3. Prize
Secondary school 1st grade
Originality Technical Lead Message content
1. Prize 1. Prize 1. Prize
2. Prize 2. Prize 2. Prize
3. Prize 3. Prize 3. Prize
From this year’s visit to the exhibition, you can give preference to the most beautiful design through a QR code for each design. The most voted on January 6, 2023 (last day to express preferences) will receive a “public” award.
There will also be a premium for the VIDEO-SELFIE considered more meaningful.
The awards consist of a personalized plaque and a lovely piece of art.
The winner will receive a medal of the competition:
The winners will be notified by registered letter and drawings will be published in the journal of the Messenger of the Infant Jesus and on this website.
Some pictures of the Award :